
Thursday, 22 November 2018

Where is the love

People In america is sometimes lonely because people aren’t being nice to them so
where is the love.Some brown people and white people aren't friends together but
some of them are friend so where is the love……….

I was walking around and I was lonely but I keep on walking and I saw a brown
person talking to me and she said are you ok and I said no and I said I was walking
and I’m lonely but she wants to be my best friends and I was happy and we keep
on walking and that brown person name was samantha .       

Monday, 12 November 2018

Waterslide short poem

WALT compose a poem about the waterslide

When I was looking at the waterslide it looks like a rubber
Before it was my turn I chose a person that I want to race

But when it was my turn I was shaking
But when we slide down my arms and legs were scratchy
At the end It was slippery and I couldn’t get up

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Climbing Wall

WALT write a descriptive recount about Senior Camp

The climbing wall

When we hear our activities we were doing a climbing wall and I was surprised and when
we were at the climbing wall I was shaking and my hands were slippery because I haven’t
been on a climbing wall before.
When it was my turn of climbing the wall I start at number two when I climb up I was halfway
and I slip and you can float around and three people old the rope tightly backwards and told
them to stop and bring me down.

I was sitting down and waiting for my turn and I went on number one and I start climbing
and I reach to the top and I told them are you ready and I floated down and I was releaf

That is why I struggle with the climbing wall but when I kept on doing it I will get better
and better.