This week I learnt to create my Reading Activities of a story called Biscuits for the Teacher.
We had to work in groups and we pick each activity so I pick Analysing because it is my favorite part of doing my reading work. Some of my reading activities are Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Anlaysing, Creating and Evaluation, but I was told to choose one and I was very happy of what I was chosen to do the Analysing. For the first activity I had to do on the analysing was we had to create a window and we have to draw the most important part of the story and I was drawing when the teacher told the class that she was leaving in the story. The next part of my Analysing was making a Story web which was Problem, Characters, Settings, Action, Feelings and Outcome.
I've enjoyed doing the Analysing because it is really easy for me and it took me 5 minutes to create all of the analysing work. I think I would make my Analysing put into 2 slideshow because you can see side by slide. I've found interesting is the story web because all of the part of the story was great and I really enjoyed it. I work this with a group and we did it at the same time without any mistakes. the creating the window one was very creative because when I finish it it looks really stand out.
That is why I like my Analysing one because it is really creative and it was the best one of the week.